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We are a community that aims to be the resource for all things specialty coffee. Whether it’s a brewing concept, recipe, or gear review, we aim to provide easy to understand and actionable content to our readers. 

Our Contributors

Our articles are written by experienced baristas and home brewers with a deep understanding of coffee. 

Tidow Gothong

Tidow is a barista and roaster that has worked in the coffee industry for 10 years. He runs 2 successful specialty coffee shops and a nano-roastery.

Author: Diego Tesoro

Diego Tesoro

Diego has worked as a barista in different cafes in the Philippines. He has a passion for learning and continues to deepen his knowledge on brewing.

Daniel Yu

Daniel Yu

Daniel is the head author of Project Barista. Since 2016, he discovered his passion for coffee and home brewing. His personal mission is to share everything he’s learned over the years.

Geo Ramirez

Geo is a barista and roaster that has been in the industry for 5 years. He competed twice in the Philippine Brewer’s Championship and made it to the top 5 in 2019.